I hope to build a story around each weekday. We’ll see how it goes. Here is today’s Mani Monday.
I hope to build a story around each weekday. We’ll see how it goes. Here is today’s Mani Monday.
Friday belongs to Freya – the Goddess of love and beauty. I thought it would be pretty cool if the definition of beauty was re-defined. If Freya has blemishes and is still the goddess of beauty – then that should be proof of everyone’s beauty.
This year’s Norse god theme was certainly influenced from last year’s Thorsday. I love Thorsday as we explored the world of Thor and her special if not co-dependent relationship with Hammer.
More Thor shenanigans will be revealed on Thursdays this school year.
Happy Odin’s Day..err..Wednesday! Odin the king of Asgard and father to many.
Tyr is the god of war and justice. He fights for peace, which made me think he prefers peace over war. So I thought he needed his own ‘hippy’, peaceful look. His preferred weapon is his smile. His adventures chronicled every Tuesday.
It’s a new school year and a new set of lunchbox comics! This year’s theme is the days of the week. Have you ever wondered where the names of the week came from?
Well now you will know! Monday is named after the Norse god Mani who guides the moon across the sky. He usually has a chariot but I thought a surfboard would be more fun.
Mani’s adventures will be chronicled every Monday.