It all started on September 12, 2016. I had wanted to draw more every day. I had just finished a comic drawing class and was eager for more. Since I had decided to stop waiting around for my husband to draw my comic ideas, I took matters into my own hands and enrolled in a comic drawing class. Now here I was racking my brain for ideas of something I could draw every day.
I had seen others who did either jokes or drawings for their kid’s lunchbox. I loved that idea. In fact, I had tried before with some printed jokes but the daughter had little response to them.
So I did an Internet search for corny jokes and found plenty. I culled through the ones I thought I could draw conceptually and made a spreadsheet for tracking purposes. I found one that I was drawn (no pun intended this time) to and doodled it out. The next day I placed the joke inside the lunchbox. I worked on another one for the next day hoping she enjoyed it. If not then at least I could do it and share it somewhere else.
I picked her up from school and she loved the joke! Whew! What a relief! I decided that I would do jokes every day until she either didn’t like it anymore or if I ran out of ideas.
Six years later, I am still going. I have moved on from corny jokes but comics are still at the heart of the lunch doodles.