April 1st on the Internet should just be another day. Don’t believe everything you read.
April 1st on the Internet should just be another day. Don’t believe everything you read.
That darn cat plays dirty.
Over Spring break she determined how many balloons it would take for her to fly. I can’t remember the number – maybe 100? But the cost was $3500. That’s way of her allowance range so I don’t have to worry about her attempting this anytime soon.
We recently discussed these ‘Most Likely’ honors that happen in school.
I’m working on implementing more gestures into my drawings to make them seem less stiff. It’s a work in progress for sure.
While Dad is away on a business trip, we both observed how quiet it was in the house. We decided that we prefer having him around noise and all.
While last week was spring break, I am a few days behind posting the lunchbox comics. I had meant to post this at the beginning of spring break with a note saying ‘see ya in a week’ but never did. If only my ideas would just happen and didn’t take so much work from me to make happen.
We’re back at it this week though.
When you search through a closet for something and close the door realizing hours later that something put itself in the closet while you weren’t looking.
We are more than ready for it.
At least peer pressure is good for one thing.
One more month of the school year is in the books! March is a great month as the year seems to both speed up and slow down at the same time. Lots of activities and Spring Break!